Is It Harder Having A Puppy Or A Baby
I have 5 dogs. Pre child I naively thought that having a baby must surely be in the same league, couldn't be any harder than having dogs. Stupid, stupid me. My five dogs are infinitely easier in every sense. I have one child and it's SO challenging. I'd happily add another five dogs to my brood before I had another kid!
Is it harder having a puppy or a baby. My husband recently said that having a puppy was more stressful / harder than having a baby. Friggin ridiculous! I breasted our daughter and got up for every feed and every nighttime diaper change etc and let him sleep. Give me some credit where credit is due! Geese! Ya, maybe a baby wasn't as hard... They say that having a puppy is like having a child and they are so absolutely spot on! In fact, there are times when I think having a puppy is HARDER than having another child – because they will never ever learn to talk and tell you exactly what they want! If the basic responsibilities associated with sharing a dog put you at war with your partner, you may want to reconsider having a baby. 4. It takes a village. Preparing to leave your new puppy with someone other than a relative or friend can seem impossible. Interviewing babysitters and nannies for a human baby is an exercise in paranoia. To balance it out, we got our puppy when she was 8 weeks and she's a lab. I had to get up with her in the night at first and it was like having a new baby, I can't lie. Think that lasted for about three weeks She bit us all and we worked with the trainer on specifics on that but it stopped after about 5 months.
If you’re about to have a baby, a new puppy and your new child can grow up together. However, having a baby and a puppy is similar to having two children. Mrs. Shaw, who not only raised Bungee but is also the mother to two human children, says she “would never get a puppy while pregnant. One time my husband and I saw a couple leaving Petsmart. Commit. I’m just going to say it. Getting a puppy requires a bigger commitment than having children in order for it to work. They are not of life and blood and it can be really difficult to deal with typical bad puppy behaviour if you are not 100% sure you wanted him/her. Yanbu but having had two babies and we now have a puppy I have to say a puppy is way harder (although she is lovely) they are and poo everywhere chew everything in sight and you are very limited in where you can go ie shops etc with a dog I love my pup but she's damned hard work. From birth, a girl baby tends to be more interested in looking at colors and textures, like those on the human face, while a boy baby is drawn more to movement, like a whirling mobile, says Dr. Sax. (These differences play out in the way kids draw: Girls tend to use a rainbow of hues to draw nouns, while boys lean toward blue, black and silver.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about what aspects of having a puppy are harder than having a baby. After having three babies around and now a puppy, I think I can safely draw comparisons between the two. I’m glad we have our puppy but there are some things I could do without. With that in mind, here are six things to consider for anyone wanting. Babies are definitely harder. Raising a puppy was probably easier after having had babies first, though, because I already had the, "I'm actually responsible for this little one?!?" and "I can't just leave the house whenever I want" blues before. While the puppy was way more work than I imagined, he's also going to be mostly grown by age one. Bringing a new puppy into the family is harder than it may look. Emma Funiciello. Oct 09, 2016. Keuka College. 62 Youtube 1) Need attention and snuggles. Of course every baby and puppy cannot get enough attention and cuddle time. 2) Upset when put to bed. Now I regret giving in SO bad. I know I need to improve my attitude, I don't have the heart to give away their new puppy, so we're not giving up on the sweet dog, but I swear this is harder than having a new baby. I am SO depressed. The dog is a sweet baby, but is peeing everywhere.
"a puppy can't be harder than having another baby can it?" Honestly, I'd have gladly swapped the current dog for a newborn human when he was a puppy, you wouldn't have even needed to catch me on a bad day, rofl. The combination of medical bills, supplies, diapers, baby food, clothing, binkies and more that are necessary to rear a child can add up to one steep price tag. But I would argue that puppies, with their adoption fees, shots, food, puppy pads, toys, leashes and collars, beds, crates and treats are right up there in terms of being one expensive. But these same yahoos would never offer such an ominous and unhinged prophecy to a couple adopting a puppy. Here’s the thing, though — when it comes to raising cute, helpless and needy creatures, raising a puppy is way harder than raising a baby. Go ahead and call that a preposterous claim. It's going to be bloody hard work. We took on a puppy (spaniel cross) then 10 days later social services rang and asked if we could take a baby (we foster) and I will not lie it was bloody tough. But what's even harder is now the puppy is 9 months old (and a teenager in dog terms) and the baby is just getting mobile.