I Think My Boxer Puppy Has Parvo
My poor little pup has parvo, and we're so nervous and sad Health We got our 8-week old Aussie/Jack Russell mix Monday afternoon, and she was the sweetest little puppy ever on Tuesday, behaving really well, being a normal ol' energetic pupper and also immediately going to sleep after being energetic, loves her crate, and so on.
I think my boxer puppy has parvo. My puppy was throwing up and had diarrhea. We thought he was overwhelmed because we had a long ride from picking him up but he had Parvo virus. Call the vet, or the emergency vet and ask for advice. We brought him in on a Sunday and any later it would have been too late. At the very least, call! It's free to ask for advice The last thing any new puppy owner or dog breeder wants to hear is a diagnosis of parvo. Parvo in puppies is unfortunately a common disease with deadly con I think my puppy might have parvo, He has not been eating and he is really lazy, he has vomited a few times - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website.. My dog is about 4 month and is a boy dog and is a boxer. Hello. badfish, parvo would be diarrhea with blood, but whether it is parvo or not, you need to take the baby to the vet ASAP!!! If it is parvo, the sooner you get the puppy to the vet, the better the chances of survival, if it's not parvo, you still want to determine the cause of it and get the puppy treated , because dihadration can be as dangerous as any other serious desease.
I think my puppy may have parvo, but it has had the DA2PPv on 2-19-09. Its symptoms are diarrhea and lethargic. The - Answered by a verified Dog Specialist Parvo is not a 100% death sentence. My puppy came through it just fine with vet treatment. Good luck! (02/08/2010) By miche todd. Puppy is Sick After Parvo Shot. Honestly it could be a number of many things. You may want to go to a vet and have it checked out. More then likely your pup has parvo, guessing that because of the shot. To tell if your dog has Parvo, pay close attention to its behavior and note any lethargy or loss of appetite. You’ll also want to watch for symptoms such as bloody diarrhea and vomiting. When you notice these symptoms, take your dog’s temperature, since Parvo usually causes a high fever between 104 to 106° F. My 8 weeek old puppy boxer had a parvo shot and within 12 hours was vomiting. I called the vet and was told to give her benadryl and watch her. By the next day she was having bloody diarrhea and lethargic. She currently is at the vet getting IV fluids. The vet sent home dewormer also, and thankfully I did not start it before the illness started.
Parvo is every new puppy and dog owner’s worst nightmare. In a matter of days, a perfectly healthy puppy can go from playful and active to fatally ill. Parvo in dogs is a preventable disease. My baby girl Sasha is about 2 and half years old and she got parvo, how she got it I don't know. She has not been in contact with other dogs or feces for that matter, but she got it. She has been with the vet for a week now and she is still the same. My question is what are her chances of surviving this. Intestinal parasites, such as worms, are common in dogs and puppies, especially if they spend time outside. There are four different types of worms that your puppy might have and each presents with different symptoms and potential health problems. But by watching for the signs and symptoms of worms and getting veterinary testing, you can know if your puppy has worms and get her timely treatment. I got my boxer-mastiff mix puppy from the pound on Monday. He did great and was hyper and funny on Monday night, all day Tuesday and Wednesday morning. By Wednesday evening, he was acting a little depressed. He then started to vomit and had diarrhea once. I knew then that he possibly had Parvo, so I took him to the animal emergency room, as it was nearly 1 am.
I don't think he will unfortunately :( Seeing how he has had it for so long before you noticed that he had it. I have had a dog die from parvo he was a three month old pit and all except one out of that litter died from the same thing. My boxer got parvo at 13 weeks and we spent over three hundred dollars to get him better. Hi, just had my puppy Max euthanized. He had contracted parvo from my backyard in less than 2wks I got him from someone who couldn’t care for him. I was scheduled to get his vaccinations 2 wks after he died. It aggressively attacked him in 2days. Im extremely sad right now and wish I had gotten his vaccinations immediately. Hi I’m really worried about my 9 week old cocker spaniel.I had a puppy die 6 months ago from parvo,and now I’m worried about our new puppy catching it.His name is Roscoe, he has had his first set of shots, and after reading all this I’m really worried. Due to the fact that he had been exposed to Parvo as well. Tuesday morning my puppy was back! I’m so happy for saving my fur baby boxer puppies from Parvo. He had energy, a bright pink nose, he scarfed down half a bowl of food. And he was drinking water on his own out of the bowl and running around like my crazy little puppy he was before Parvo.